here's where you can see all the things i've been Consuming. i like games and music and books and shows and movies all equally, and don't want to be a member of 5 bespoke websites just to track it all, so you get this. these are not reviews, and i'm not going to give things a score. these are just thoughts, and sometimes there won't be anything written at all. if you have any reccs or just wanna talk to me abt something on the list feel free to email me or leave a message.
name | link | notes | fav? |
it's such a beautiful day | X | my favourite movie of all time. saw it for the first time when it came out in that brief window it was on netflix. it changed the trajectory of my creative life.
i was obsessed with it and watched it and nothing else for days after. i show it to everybody i can. (03.22.2025) rewatched for the umpteenth time drunk w becky. |
✰ |
wisdom teeth | X | (03.22.25) completely forgot i had seen this before. very funny watching with people who thought the german was real. | |
billy's balloon | X | (03.22.25) first time watch. what a good student film lmao | |
rejected | X | (03.22.25) rewatched. it was awesome seeing the bluray rip of this for the first time. i've never seen it look so clean it was a bit jarring. | |
genre | X | (03.22.25) first time watch. a good friend of mine who's a good bit older than me said hertzfeldt was incredibly inspirational to him, and i can totally see it w stuff like this. | |
lily & jim | X | (03.22.25) first time watch. very impressed w the lip syncing on this one. he's so good at animating the slight movements that come w speech. | |
the animation show | X | (03.22.25) first time watch. | |
american psycho | X | one of the all timers. watched it over and over again and showed it to a bunch of my friends. i need to finish the book. | ✰ |
jagten | X | i love this movie man. love me a mads. love me a socially isolated mads. love me a beaten mads. love me a mads with glasses. love me a pathetic mads. | ✰ |
in burges | X | genuinely really enjoyed it. it took me a bit to get into farrell's performance, but started to love it after abt 30 minutes. he was pathetic <3 lotta humour Does Not land but what worked for me really worked. | |
the substance | X | saw it in theatres. pretty disappointed. felt like it didn't trust the audience to pay attention and was way heavy handed cause of it. the hypersexual shots were entirely uneccessary and knowing the context to them makes me upset they were even shot and included. i liked certain things abt it, thought the colour and set was great. actually super into how slow the pacing is. but overrall not a fan. | |
natural born killers | X | had the soundtrack as a kid. pretty frustrating. there coulda been something cool here but all of the interesting bits are thrown away for "media bad." felt rly trite. i need to watch the lynch movie this ripped off. | |
boys don't cry | X | watched 3 times over the course of a week. would not recommend. transmen do not watch this. | |
persepolis | X | the animation is wonderful. what an amazing movie visually. numerous things about the adaptation from book to movie that irked me. lotta context trimmed that really make scenes lose their impact. probably should have been 2 movies, or maybe a series of short films. watch it, but read the books too. | |
brokeback mountain | X | fucked my shit right up. watched the tent sex and meet up kiss scene multiple times a day every day for abt a week after watching it. they named that shit brokeback mountain. lmfao. | |
kill bill vol 1 | X | my mom's favourite movie. i saw it for the first time when i probably way too young, and i thought highly of it, but now that i'm older i don't rly know what to make of it. my feelings are complicated, but lean towards negative. | |
kill bill vol 2 | X | ||
pulp fiction | X | ||
reservior dogs | X | might be my fav tarantino. | |
pink floyd the wall | X | ONE OF THE ALL TIMERS!!!! first saw it as a young teenager. probably the movie/album that has had the largest impact on me artistically. it's the shit. it's my jam. the doug walker review physically hurts me. | ✰ |
boss baby | X | gotta make sure i can sus out any boss baby vibes in subsequent movies | |
madagascar | X | for whatever reason this was my SHIT as a kid. i had the dvd and whenever there was a movie i really liked, and i'd start getting bored of it i'd watch it in other languages? anyway i've seen the french and spanish dubs of madagascar multiple times. | |
a series of unfortunate events | X | another one i've seen in french. the train scene made me feel funny. | |
the house that jack built | X | really disliked this one. one of those i watched in a fugue so i can't tell you exactly why. remember the ocd thing really irking me. | |
trainspotting | X | ✰ | |
trainspotting 2 | X | sucks actual shit. don't even bother with it. entirely soulless. | |
snatch | X | listened to the soundtrack A LOT as a kid. i love it. | |
fight club | X | ONE! OF THE! ALL TIMERS!! | ✰ |
the lobster | X | i'm sorry i fucking hate this movie. couldn't stand the script. couldn't STAND the acting direction. i know that's all intentional and part of the point but i hate it. i hate it so much. unbelievably frustrating watch. | |
polar | X | watched cause mads mikkelsen's in it. also cause of that kojima tweet. pgpghthtg this shit's sure adapted from a comic book. irritating. unfunny. devoid of charisma. sleezy. thumbs down. it stinks. | |
men & chicken | X | another one i watched cause mads mikkelsen was in it. didn't recognize him until the movie was almost over LMAO. it's great! | |
irreversible | X | this was... idk.... oddly extremely homophobic. i think i liked the cinematography? i do not recommend it. | |
martyrs | X | i preferred the first half over the like, actual Movie movie. got a bit bored of it once the nazi shit started. | |
joker | X | i'll be honest i turned it off once he started becoming Da JOnkler. i got what i came here for (miserable joaquin phoenix) | |
joker 2 | X | i think every decision in this movie was made for me in specific. | ✰ |
beau is afraid | X | jeeeeeeesus fuccking chrrriiiisst. a viewing experience similar to water torture. never wanna watch this again i think i might actually die. | ✰ |
the piano teacher | X | noooot a fan. so unhappy that there ended up being a rape scene in this. made me gutturally sad. | |
mai-chan's daily life | X | it's a classic!!! feels weird to criticize a fan service scene in a fetish film but i coulda done without the kitty cat lapping up milk shots tbh | ✰ |
mother is a whore | X | this point is true for all the lee sang-woo movies: i'm not sure if the script is just like that, or if the guy who wrote the subs i watched just, doesn't know korean very well, but the script was incredibly rudimentary. had the sentence structure of a kindergarten book. rly weird. anyway, i really enjoyed this movie. my fav of the trilogy. i remember one scene making me clap my hands and burst with joy. | |
father is a dog | X | didn't like it as much as mother is a whore, but has some real choice moments. | |
i am trash | X | least fav of the three. assault scene at the end felt terrrible. i do distinctly remember rly enjoying how the city street shots were done though. | |
hostel | X | WOW! this sucked shit! kinda wanna give it a rewatch to see if going in with intent to mock it will make it more enjoyable, because i don't remember it even being bad in a way i could find funny. | |
midori: the camellia girl | X | this was fantastic!! something i've noticed that i appreciate a lot is that live action japanese work seems to really lean into a fantastical kind of moviemaking. like, they aren't afraid to stylize the shit outta stuff. anyway this rocks. | |
saltburn | X | i. fucking HATE. this movie. thought the writing was horrible and hamfisted and like, self congratulatory? ending made me get up and say what the fuck man? outloud. i don't understand why the like, bath scene is the thing people lose their shit about. it's written like fucking big boys man. this is just Dark Satire big boys. God. | |
broken | X | everyone give it up for unsimulated penis mutilation!!!! R.I.P. bob flanagan R.I.P. peter christopherson. | ✰ |
SICK: the life and death of bob flanagan | X | it's a tough watch for me. i have a lot of mixed feelings about it. i'm deeply grateful it exists. | |
chatroom | X | could NOT believe hideo nakata directed this after i saw it. internet bad movie. | |
megan is missing | X | more internet bad movie. | |
nightcrawler | X | hilarious movie. my god. kind of reminded me of being in highschool a/v again, surrounded by psychopathic white boys. thumbs up | |
love is the devil: study for a portrait of francis bacon | X | (03.27.25) quite a weird one. i feel like this would be completely incomprehensible for someone who does not know about francis bacon's personal life. for a movie about a painter, the paintings are more like cameos and easter eggs for the viewer to point and go "hey i know that" than anything else. the mirror shots... the mirrors shots pissed me off.. this should have been a play. |